
“‘’DecaWave pioneered a ground breaking technology which is now on all major Smartphones. In bringing a new technology to market, we built a company and a market. Starting 2007 until we were bought for $400M in 2020. We partnered with OFM from 2008 onwards and built an international organisation (Ireland, UK, France, Korea, USA +…). OFM were indispensable to DecaWave throughout, budgeting, and financial management and advice, funding, investor relations and making us investor ready and indeed an acquisition target. They were part of the team throughout and still used by Qorvo in managing DecaWave Ireland. Thank you OFM!’’”

Ciaran Connell

Decawave Ltd

Services Delivered:

Financial Planning | Cash Management | Cost Management

Founded in 2004, Dublin-headquartered Decawave Ltd, an Irish semi-conductor company, provides ultra-wideband wireless technology through a low-power chip that can identify the specific location of any object indoors to within a few centimetres.

OFM Solutions have been working with Decawave since 2007, offering a full suite of financial services. Decawave incorporated in the USA, France and China and also held a branch in the UK and Korea. OFM lead all financial, compliance and payroll matters across all locations. Decawave were involved in a number of substantial funding rounds, with key strategic investors and business angels. OFM managed a complex share register and completed the company secretarial filings along with managing the employee stock ownership plan.

In February 2020 Decawave was acquired by a US Nasdaq-listed company, with the acquisition at the time believed to be the largest exit by an Irish technology company. OFM managed the extensive due diligence process and following the acquisition, were involved in the distribution of funds and communications in relation to tax compliance.